Monday, May 21, 2007

OLPC 60 Minutes Video

I couldn't help myself, I have been a huge fan of the OLPC concept since I heard about it. This movie was just on Digg and it is well worth the time to watch it.

The basic concept of the project is to give every kid in the world a very simple laptop. They are actually going to sell them in the US late this year and I might purchase one. The concept behind me purchasing one would be so I could develop software for it (I am studying to be a computer engineer). There was a rumor that when you buy one in the US, it actually costs twice the price to manufacture and a second one goes to a third world country.

I'm not going to go into any details at this moment, but this is really exciting stuff!


Cassie Shay said...

If you want, I will go in with you to buy it.

Unknown said...

It is still almost a rumor that they are going to sell them to the public. I definitely wouldn't mind paying a markup if it helps third world education.

Hopefully they have them available by around the holiday season. It would be useful to use one and developing for it would be amazing.

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