Sunday, March 30, 2008

IEEE Style Sheet for Office 2007

I have a paper due tomorrow (which I really should be working on right now, but I digress) and it needs to use IEEE style notation. I'm using Office 2007, Word to be percise, and the built in reference manager doesn't include support for IEEE. It includes all of the other major styles but it just happens to exclude IEEE.

After just a few minutes of searching the internet I found: IEEE Bibliography XSL Style Sheet for Word 2007

There is a simple download that when placed in the correct Office 2007 directory will add IEEE as one of the citation options. Using the built in Office 2007 citation manager hopefully will help me get this paper finished on time.

Back to work!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!
VERY useful.

Mohamed Zaki said...

thanks for the tip :)

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