Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Google Street Viewer: only the good stuff

Google Street Viewer ( has been available for a while.  As soon as it was released it became a race to see who could find the funniest and interesting pictures.  Most of which were quickly posted to Digg.The problem with using Street viewer is that there is just so much data out there.  While they only have a few major cities covered at the moment, they still have a huge area covered.

I was just listening to TWiT episode 101 and they were talking about a blog that summarizes the funny sightings found on Street Viewer.  Sticking with the Web 2.0 theme it is named streetviewr.

streetviewr is an interesting and well made site.  Basically, it lists the different sightings on Street Viewer and lets you view them without leaving using Google's API or you can go directly into Google Maps.

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